The pursuit of knowledge is a never-ending journey that defines the quality of your life, our planet and animals
The more information you arm yourself with, the more informed your decisions will be regarding your health. Billions of dollars are spent each year in the United States and the rest of the world to treat chronic diseases that would have been prevented in the first place by making the right food choices. These choices also impact the health of our planet at an alarming scale. When you make a conscious decision to eat a plant-based meal, your impact transcends your body’s blood vessels. You also help reduce the severe environmental impacts of livestock Agri farming and not to mention the animals that suffer to support this system.
Links are to Amazon listings. These can often be found for less on eBay and often at your local library as hard copy or on digital. Many of these have recipes in the books and others have separate cookbook editions.
Resources for transitioning and living a plant-based lifestyle as well as understanding how eating animal products affects animals and the environment. I would recommend watching more than 1 (hopefully you watch all of them) and watching them more than once. You will pick up on information that you may have missed during the first viewing.
*Some of these are on YouTube for free, identified with an asterisk*
Listen to the experts talk while you commute or run errands. Check out their websites for recipes and more information that ratifies the need to improve your diet whether you are an athlete looking to boost performance or just trying to improve your health.
Find vegan restaurants in your area by going to happcow.net and help support this movement.
How Not To Die and How Not to Diet by Dr Greger
Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr Caldwell Esselstyn
Dr Neal Barnard’s Program for Reverse Diabetes by Dr Neal Barnard
Eat to Live by Dr Joel Fuhrman
The China Study by Dr T. Collin Campbell
The Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn
My Beef With Meat by Rip Esselstyn
The Blue Zones by Dan Buettner
Becoming Vegan by Brenda Davis, dietitian
Whole Foods Diet by John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods Market
Forks Over Knives Plan by Dr Alona Pulde and Dr Mathew Lederman
No Meat Athlete Cookbook by Matt Frazier
Plant-Based Health and Fitness
Game Changers* (Netflix)
Forks Over Knives(Netflix)
What the Health*(Netflix)
Plant Pure Nation*(Amazon)
From the ground up (Amazon)
Vegucated* (Amazon)
Invisible Vegan* (Amazon)
Food Choices* (Amazon)
A Teachable Moment (Amazon)
Animal advocacy, factory farming and environmentalism
Okja (Netflix)
What about protein? (Amazon)
The end of meat(Amazon)
A river of waste(Amazon)
A prayer for compassion(Amazon)
A meaty issue: Thinking beyond your plate(Amazon)
At the fork(Amazon)
Vegan 2017, Vegan 2018, Vegan 2019- You will be shocked to learn which celebrities and other famous people have made the switch fo the better
Processed People-plant based documentary
H.O.P.E. What you eat matters animal cruelty and environmental impact
These two documentaries on factory animal farming and animal cruelty are not for the faint at heart, yet we should not ignore the truth. Our food choices affect more than our body. Our decision to eat animal products affects the lives of others and the future of the planet that we leave to our children.
Playlist and channels
Plant-Based News
The Game Changers
Vegan Documentaries playlist from Verde Vegan by Reyna
This is a shortlist of my favourite podcasts, there are hundreds more on Google, iTunes and other podcast apps.
Sonya Looney (cycling)
Ian Cramer (cycling)
Rich Roll (ultra-athlete)
Plant-Based DFW (vascular surgeon and nutrition advocate duo)
Nutrition Facts (Dr. Greger author of How Not to Die and How Not to Diet)
The Plant Trainers (fitness coach duo)
No Meat Athlete (marathoners and cycling duo)
Plant-Strong with Rip Esselstyn (former firefighter and triathlete)