The body was built for motion and when we sustain it properly, then, that motion can be accomplished with ease and for a long time.
Hailing from Plano, Texas by way of Nakuru, Kenya I entered the high adrenaline world of cycling in 2014 with mountain biking. Crazy Texas weather took me into the world of road cycling. What got me into cycling you ask?? I got kicked out of the clubs one too many times and needed a different hobby. The adrenaline and action of mountain biking kept me coming back, craving for more torture(I mean fun) to my body. Plus I needed to work on my tan! Constant rain meant closed trails which at times kept me off the bike for weeks on end so I turned to road cycling initially as an alternative. I was skeptical of road cycling and it’s ability to quench my thirst for adrenaline. If my mountain bike could tell stories, they would have a litany of lambasting counts on trails and times spent in the bike shop. Road cycling to me seemed….well…flat and boring. Boy was I wrong! The more I did it, the more I loved it!
Benefits of cycling:
Beats the treadmill any day!
Keeps me very fit
Establishing a close confrere of cyclists
It’s so much freaking fun!
It sharpens the mind (especially MTB)
What I do to keep moving and pedaling:
Yoga and stretching: since 2012 are major part of my weekly fitness routine to keep me busting those miles on the trail and road. Not just for cycling, the benefits of Yoga extend far beyond the road and trail.
Strength training and conditioning: A lot of time is spent in the gym or at home fitness. Hitting the weights and taking spin classes when weather is not optimal for a ride outside.
Nutrition: Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) since 2015 and broadening with vegan meals in the last year. Why? I learned after a few meals I have more energy pre and post workout and my recovery time is reduced. I am not sleepy after a meal and feel fuller longer. I am a true proponent of the whole foods plant based lifestyle because I have experienced first-hand the benefits and results that come with eradicating animal products from my routine. I will cover this intensely in the blog.
Fun facts
I am an ENTJ, a Scorpio and have a confirmed red personality which translates to and overly passionate and obsession in my life and hobbies. After fitness, I enjoy photography, mother nature and anything related to planes, trains and automobiles.