Keeping things cranking: Road and Mountain.
Before your ride, imbibe.
Fuel your body with sustainable energy, vitamins and minerals, and BCAA (branched chain amino-acids; the fuel for muscles). I get these from the MX20 water, Zen fit and natural resources such as oats, fruits and nuts. In addition, healthy carbs (complex and simple, not processed) from sweet potatoes, pasta, grains legumes.
My favorite food in the mornings before a ride is oatmeal (steel cut). An hour after a hearty bowl, I drink a bottle of the black water and hit the road or trail. Before I started using mx20, I would get bad cotton mouth and my saliva would thicken. Now, that issue has been significantly reduced.
30 minutes before the ride
Three things I can’t get enough of; cycling, FOOD and sleep.
After your ride, replenish your energy stores and repair damaged tissues with protein, carbs, anti-oxidants and hydration. I get these from taking ZEN FUZE and natural resources such as healthy greens, legumes, fruits and RESERVE for an anti-oxidant boost. My blog has recipe links and more of what I like to eat.
A big part of my routine and I can’t do without it. Cyclists can suffer from adaptive muscle shortening (caused by a muscle being forced to remain in a shortened position for a prolonged period of time. Whether it be on a bike, in a desk chair, or on the couch) which results in stiffness and limited mobility. Yoga is the one of the things that really help to remedy that.
Be sure to get plenty of SLEEP. The body is repairing all the damage done during the ride. I typically need between 7-9 hours.
Plenty of sleep is vital
ACCOUNTABILITY: The Daily habits.
Setting you up for success in the ACTIVE and RECOVERY pillars.
Setting goals: Discipline will get you places. Make a plan and stick to it. I know I have to do weights and yoga at least 3 times a week. I normally don’t go to the gym on weekends but If I missed a couple of days during the week, I’ll be in there to hit my target.
Nutrition choices: 80% of fitness is what goes into our bodies. My success has really come from eliminating animal products and sticking to a plant-based lifestyle. Check out the blog for ideas, recipes and the effects of food.
Meal planning: This is one of the most important things for success; whether you’re trying to lose weight or staying on track with proper intake to fuel your rides.
Supplementation: With over 70 minerals, vitamins and botanicals, AM/PM essentials provide me with an all around wellness. LEARN MORE
Target your body’s morning and nighttime needs