10 reasons to go whole food plant-based vegan (WFPB)

Now before you start burning an effigy and yell witchcraft, let me clarify that being vegan does not mean surviving on salads. I’d be a walking stick if that’s all I did, and cycling would suck……. Kapisch?! Okay! Let’s dive in.


Diet change doesn’t have to be about deprivation, limitation, and loss of pleasure.

The Whole foods diet by John Mackey, Alona Pulde and Mathew Lederman.

Focus on what you are gaining and not giving up

Why Go Whole-Food Plant-Based Vegan? The Question Should Be….Why Not?

For brevity sake, here are only 10.

If you love animals, go VEGAN.

If you love the planet, go VEGAN.

If you love yourself, go VEGAN.

If you really love yourself and your family, go WHOLE-FOOD PLANT-BASED VEGAN.

A vegan is someone who avoids consuming any animal and animal by-products. As Terry Mason, the former Commissioner of Health of the city of Chicago stated in Forks Over Knives documentary, "If it walked, hopped, swam, crawled, slithered, had eyes, a mama, and a dad - don't eat it!" This includes the so-called healthier meats that are just marketing gimmicks (white, lean, humane, organic, free-range, cage-free, grass-fed) and try to hide the atrocities animals have to suffer through. A whole-foods plant-based vegan also abstains or severely limits the amount of processed foods and that includes vegan and plant based alternative foods such as meat and cheese alternatives. These are usually made with high amounts of oil, salt, and preservatives. What’s left you ask? All the wonderful plant-based, flavorful, vibrant, nutrient, protein and fiber dense foods you can handle.  Here are the reasons I became a whole food plant-based vegan athlete. The top 3 were the primary reasons, the others were a very welcoming surprise.

10. Herbs, spices and seeds

  • Herbs, spices and seeds have had a place in my diet but recently have been used in greater qty to replace salts, oils and more importantly some help to reduce inflammation, helps digest fats, improve digestion, antimicrobial and are antioxidants --Helloooo Turmeric--this spice deserves its own blog and video! https://www.veganfoodandliving.com/vegan-diet/vegan-nutrition/put-trust-turmeric/ 

  • Fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, curry leaves found in variety of cuisines and there is lemongrass and kaffir leaves found in Thai food or dried herbs like za’tar found in Lebanese cuisine.

  • Spices have taken on a new role with some old favorites still at the top of my list like Turmeric and cinnamon and new to me such as cassia bark, garam masala, Korean gachugaru, Lebanese sumac. Ready made spices from Trader’s Joes like 21 seasoning salute, vegan chicken less mix, Everything but the Bagel have also become mainstays in my pantry.

  • Whole seeds that have become a staple in flavoring my meals like cumin seeds, mustard seeds, sesame seeds, coriander seeds, cardamom pods, peppercorns. These can be used whole, heated on a dry pan for a few seconds or ground in a spice grinder to impart unbelievable flavor.

    9. Food more appealing

  • Eat the rainbow, for your health and for the visual appeal. Whatever season it is, you will find colorful foods to indulge in that are full of flavor. Thanksgiving should not be a table of beige foods. Carrots come in various colors, I didn’t know Japanese sweet potato came in purple, or there is a squash so easy to cut and cook called Delicata squash you can practically use a butter knife to cut and its flavor is so light and versatile.

  • As you start to transition to vegan or plant based lifestyle, your taste buds will change, and will thank you. Fall and winter brings all the colorful potatoes, pumpkins, apples and squash that just make my mouth water while talking about. Spring and summer of course bring the whole rainbow of fruits and vegetables. 

  • Nowadays though we can buy all of these even out of season, although I would recommend sticking to seasonal as much as possible to save you a few bucks and ensure the freshest picks. Experiment, don’t worry about organic unless its within your budget. Most important part is just to eat more plants.

    8. Clarity of mind, mental sharpness

  • Eliminate that mental fog that looms over by supplying you brain with vital nutrients. Moreover, when your brain is performing at its best, the rest of the body will just follow along because our state of mind is translated into our physical abilities.

  • Here’s some food for thought: Diet can play a role in mood changes. Sugary processed foods are neurotoxic to the brain and research shows how they can worsen mood, anxiety, and ability to concentrate. Animal-based products contain a pro-inflammatory compound, arachidonic acid, that can “adversely impact mental health via a cascade of neuroinflammation,” leading to worse depression and increased risk of suicide. (source: forksoverknives.com)

    7. Longevity

  • Eat to live. In the course of making this website, I have come to learn a lot about food. The old adage, “ you are what you eat” is so true. This is how I see it: to live longer you must consume the things that are alive, that give life.

  • A well balanced meal that has been prepared with ingredients bought from the fresh produce section of the grocery store goes a long way…..LITERALLY!

    6. Cut grocery bill in half

  • Yes you heard that right. A whole-food plant based diet will cut your grocery bill in half. If you choose to purchase vegan alternative meat, burgers, cheese, ice cream and snacks or you prefer to purchase all organic then you won’t reap this benefit. 

  • But a whole food plant based vegan lifestyle, focused on grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables will cut your bill in half. Think about it, you won’t be buying meat at $5.00 or more per lb. just for 1 meal. I can make a meal with leftovers for just a few dollars. For example, a bag of lentils ($1.50) and 4 sweet potatoes ($3.50) makes me 4 lunches (find recipes on my resource page and read my other post “what does Antonio eat?”). I’m a cyclist, 1 meal equals 2 for normal people…ha! You see the math there?

  • The biggest price tag will come from buying plant based milk unless you're lucky enough to own one of those nut milk machines (great Christmas idea for the plant based family in your life) ! 

    5. Vanity

  • Who doesn’t like to look their best? The psychological benefits of eating well are immense. Plant-based nutrition let’s your body reveal your best version in addition to mental health. Looking good starts in the gut; we project on the outside what we are on the inside.

  • Beauty starts in the gut. A whole foods plant-based lifestyle means that you digestive system is not overworking thus leaving more time for the healing process when you sleep. Don’t they call it “beauty sleep”?!

  • Evolution has set our bodies to absorb that which comes from the earth and our body’s unique biochemistry interacts with it far more than science can explain. When internal mechanisms are functioning at their best, it shows on the outside and people can see that.

    4. Fitness and Energy

  • When I eliminated dairy products from my diet completely, I noticed that the mucus build up I’d get in my throat went away. I didn’t realise how much that impacted my performance on the bike until after a couple of months. I realised I wasn’t getting winded as quickly (especially when slogging a hill). I’m in better riding form now than I ever have been. I am able to maintain a lean muscle mass and my muscles are always properly fueled.

  • Another thing I noticed almost immediately is that I didn’t feel like I just wasted away after a long ride. My energy levels have gone through the roof and my stats on Strava can clearly show that. Let me ask you this, when you eat lunch, do you feel like you want to take a nap? If you answered yes, then that is the food robbing you of energy. When I eat lunch, I’m ready to go! I never feel groggy or….for lack of better words……drag ass!

    3. Environment

  • Now this will come as a surprise to most. Animal agri-farming is the second largest contributor to human-made greenhouse gases. The first being fossil fuels.

  • If you want to make an impact on climate, eliminate or greatly reduce consumption of animal products. 

  • Animal agriculture puts a heavy strain on many of the Earth’s finite land, water and energy resources. In order to accommodate the 70 billion animals raised annually for human consumption, a third of the planet’s ice-free land surface, as well as nearly sixteen percent of global freshwater, is devoted to growing livestock. Furthermore, a third of worldwide grain production is used to feed livestock. (source: CLIMATENEXUS)

    2. Compassion for animal

  • There is nothing humane about the conditions of factory farming and don’t kid yourself, animals are not as happy as they appear on the meat package or the milk carton. In addition, animals that are born and raised for their eggs, honey, and dairy products such as milk, butter, yogurt, cheese have an even worse fate than those raised for their flesh.

  • These animals are used, abused and live in cramped cages for the couple months or couple years they are able to produce then they are inevitably slaughtered. Male chicks born on egg farms are sent through the shredder alive, simply because they were born the wrong gender. And I mean a shredder, not hypothetically. It is cheaper to shred than sell and transport to boiler chicken factory farms.

  • I don’t want to offend you or turn you off from listening to the rest of my message but because of my strong values and love of all sentient beings, I must include this as a major reason for my lifestyle. If you would like to learn more, please visit my resource page where you will find links to videos to learn more of the atrocities of factory farming.

    1. Health

  • The best research on health, disease and longevity clearly shows that people who eat a diet of predominantly plant foods have a dramatically better long-term health outcome than those who eat a diet heavy in animal foods. (source: The whole foods diet by John Macky, Alona Pulde, MD and Matthew Lederman, MD). Nicole Marquis, CEO of HipCityVeg said that within two months of adopting a plant-based diet, her father lost 25lbs, got off all his medications and put his Type 2 diabetes into remission.

  • Food plays a big part in your physical appearance. If your goal is to lose weight, a plant-based diet is a sustainable way to get you to your goal and keep you there. You want better looking skin, fix what goes into the gut. Everything good or bad starts in the gut.

  • I used to have severe seasonal allergies and in the past year, I have seen a significant reduction of the symptoms. When Spring comes around I’m not worried any more. I can be out there on my bike all day and the next day I’m fine.

Doctors are not really taught about nutrition or that food has anything to do with illness. At least, I certainly didn’t receive any training in nutrition, which meant I had to find out for myself.
— Dr. Nitu Bajekal, MD. Women's Health Expert

Let me conclude by saying that I look and feel better now that I ever have before. I have created a health symphony: diet, exercise and supplemental support. I call it The Avanti Symphony. You can apply these elements to your life and discover a whole new way of living that is far better. Any cyclist will tell you that when something is slightly off with your body, it just kills the ride. I hope the information you have just read will positively impact your life. Please head over to my RESOURCES page for nutrition guides, recipes, documentaries and much more!


You cant work off a bad diet: Part 1
