If you want life to improve, you must improve yourself






When we talk about goals, aspirations, wants, needs and even our health, what is it that gets us there? If we are optimistic about something, then it guides our thoughts and actions to achieve a goal; no matter how big or small it might be. When you talk to a lot of cyclists, they will tell you that there comes a point where it all boils down to mental strength rather than physical strength to get you through a long and hard ride. No one starts a ride with the intent of not finishing the planned route. The journey to the finish line is about the ability to set your mind at the task at hand and doing whatever it takes to get there.

How badly do you want it?

Ask this about anything worth pursuing. Is it losing weight or elevating your fitness level? No matter what your goal is, you first approach it with attitude. You have to be all for it and willing to do whatever it takes. Once you are past that point, then you can apply discipline and consistency. There are fundamental things to remember when trying to achieve something:

  • Keep learning and growing

  • Stop with excuses

  • Can’t get there in a day

  • Learn to enjoy a challenge

  • Baby steps… it works (What about bob) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqTy3Bc8m_s 

  • Don’t wait until Monday or birthday or new years

Albert Einstein once said that we can’t solve a problem by using the same thinking that created it. Oh how true that is! Looking within ourselves first is prudent in order to start off in the right direction. I understand that we all want growth on tangible things. That better car, house…...and in my case….more cycling stuff!(You’ll never meet a cyclist that has enough gear lol). Getting to these things certainly translates having access to more funds and those funds are as a result of personal growth.

Fitness relies heavily on the ability to sustain something for a long period of time. That is called, commitment. When you are absolute, sure of the path and course of action, then what can get in your way? I can say this of my fitness journey that has lasted a lifetime…..LITERALLY! People ask me all the time how I have managed to stay fit for the last 2 decades. In return I ask them how they are able to shower everyday (hopefully), eat their meals at around the same time everyday, get the laundry done or make sure the pantry is always stocked with their favourite treat. Things that seem simple enough because and can be repeated over the course of years without complaint. Well…..I do complain about the laundry; how it’s not doing itself and getting ironed and folded neatly in the drawers. I will tell you though, I will make sure I make time to get it done and not cut corners (thanks to my OCDness). The fear of seeing a clutter mess staring at me ensures that things are always kept in good order…at all times. Being fit has to start from within you.

People are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; therefore remain bound
— James Allen’s As a man thinketh

The law of diminishing intent

This is something interesting that I read about and it states:

the longer you wait to do something you should do now, the higher the odds that you will never actually do it.
— John Maxwell | 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

In his book, John talks about attitude, goals, discipline, measurement and consistency. Now remember my laundry story above? I hardly deviate from how and when I do my laundry because of these things. Even though I’m not so keen about listening to the washing machine running its cycle, I just have to tell myself to get over it. “You better get excited about it mister!”, I tell myself. Once my attitude is in check, then I can achieve my goal of having drawers rivaling the shelves at the GAP. Discipline and consistency are preceded by the question that I asked at the top:



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Breakfast: Still the most important meal of the day.